Your saddle fitting consultation
Please allow up to 2 hours for your consultation, with the allowance of 30min either side of your appointment. I do try my best to be on time, however sometimes I may be late or even early!
Please ensure that your horse is clean and dry, with all the equipment you would usually use, including the horse’s primary rider.
The Process
1. In order for me to be prepared for your consultation, I will need you to complete The Consultation Form. Please complete this in as much detail as possible.
2. I will complete a short conformation and back assessment of your horse, to ascertain any issues which may cause problems with your saddle fit.
3. Your horse will need to be trotted up on a hard surface as well as lunged, in order for me to complete a gait analysis report. This report aids me to assess for any lameness issues and gait abnormalities that may affect your saddle fit.
4. Your saddle will be checked for safety and suitability before continuing with a static fit. If the saddle requires a flocking adjustment, this can be done onsite.
5. If all is good with the static fit, we will then proceed to the ridden assessment. I would like to see the saddle ridden in, walk, trot and Canter. If you are having a jump saddle fitted, a pop over a jump will be required.
Observations and recommendations will be given regarding the saddle fit seen on the day.